Medoza alum Jessica Rose featured in business mag story exploring the benefits of employee ownership–and the barriers to going to scale.
Continue ReadingScaling Employee Ownership
Brightly Cleaning: Lessons from the First U.S. Worker Cooperative Franchise
The worker cooperative franchise provides a model to go to scale.
Continue ReadingPriming the Pump for Employee Ownership
A proposal to scale employee ownership by launching $100 billion in federal loan guarantees could transform the economy.
Continue ReadingEncouraging Inclusive Growth
Richard May and Christopher Mackin discuss their proposal for a $100 billion employee equity loan program.
Continue ReadingBerkeley Revises Loan Requirements to Help Finance Employee Ownership
It will be easier for worker co-ops to acquire loans under the new policy of limited guarantees.
Continue ReadingCan a Private Equity Fund Model Help Scale Employee Ownership?
Proposed model could provide a vehicle for investors to finance worker-centric employee ownership conversions.
Continue ReadingEmployee-Owned Firms Should be Eligible for Minority Certification
Some simple requirements could ensure that employee-owned firms seeking certification are controlled by people of color.
Continue ReadingMillennials at Employee-Owned Firms More Ready for Retirement
New ESCA survey data shows ESOP employees are more financially secure.
Continue ReadingA Promising Path to Growing the Employee Owned Economy: Acquisitions by Existing ESOPs
ESOPs are far more successful in acquiring and integrating new businesses than traditional firms, according to new research.
Continue ReadingB Corp Champions Retreat Highlighted Employee Ownership
Fifty by Fifty joined mission-led employee-owned companies to shine spotlight on benefits of employee ownership.
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