New report from Democracy at Work Institute and U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives gives rich picture of state of sector.
Continue ReadingHouse of Representatives Small Business Committee Convenes Employee Ownership Hearing
Witnesses addressed financing challenges and solutions.
Continue ReadingOut of the ClickHole, a light on alternative media ownership models
Employee ownership offers potential alternative to media companies seeking to retain journalistic integrity .
Continue ReadingInvestor guidelines for shared value creation in employee ownership transitions unveiled
Fifty by Fifty presents guidelines at Rutgers Kelso fellows mid-year workshop by Karen Kahn In mid-January, the Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing held its mid-year Kelso fellows meeting, in which scholars and practitioners spent two days sharing research and ideas to deepen understanding of the many forms of employee […]
Continue ReadingCenter for American Progress proposes new policies to broaden ownership
Proposals to scale employee ownership and profit-sharing aimed at state and municipal governments.
Continue ReadingMendoza Business Magazine explores relationship between Catholic social values and employee ownership
Medoza alum Jessica Rose featured in business mag story exploring the benefits of employee ownership–and the barriers to going to scale.
Continue ReadingJohn McNamara Responds: New Belgium Brewery Goes Flat
I’ve been wondering when the craft beer market would begin consolidating. A few years ago, shockwaves went through the Cascadia craft beer community when 10 Barrels sold to Anheuser-Busch Inv Bev and worse, Full Sail sold to an investment company. Around the same time, another ESOP brewery in Oregon sold as well; it was notable […]
Continue ReadingHazel Corcoran: What If We Had an Antidote to Worker Co-ops Selling Out?
Indivisble reserves are one way for worker cooperatives to prevent demutualization.
Continue ReadingBrightly Cleaning: Lessons from the First U.S. Worker Cooperative Franchise
The worker cooperative franchise provides a model to go to scale.
Continue ReadingOwnership design for a sustainable economy
In this final report on our research into the relationship between employee ownership and sustainability, we detail our methodology, our findings, and questions for further research.
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