Employee Ownership News archive

Denver’s Center for Community Wealth Building Accelerates Growth of Worker Cooperatives
Kaiser Permanente has awarded Denver’s Center for Community Wealth Building (CCWB) $360,000 for a three-year initiative to launch six to nine new cooperatives.

Patagonia “Exits to Climate”
A win for capitalism but a mixed bag for stakeholder governance.

SSBCI TA Grant Applications Due in October
The U.S. Department of the Treasury is now soliciting applications for technical assistance grants,.

Employee Ownership Finds Its Way into Federal Legislation
The recently passed CHIPS and Science Act is one of several federal bills that could advance employee ownership.

Kaiser Permanente Pilots Community Wealth Building Strategy Focused on Employee Ownership Conversions
One of the country’s largest health systems has launched a unique initiative focused on transitioning their suppliers to employee ownership.

Is Your Co-op Measuring Its Social Capital?
Co-ops don’t always show an immediate financial return, but that doesn’t mean they are failing.

Will Equity Shares Improve Outcomes for Workers?
This seems like a time of messy growth for employee ownership.

UK Announces Surge in Employee-Owned Businesses
Number of employee-owned businesses doubled since 2020

Can ESOPs Help Recreate Social Trust in America?
Increased economic security and participation at work could strengthen democracy.

Apis & Heritage Brings Justice Lens to ESOP Transitions
Fund completes its first two deals, impacting 150-plus workers

Elevating Home Care Together
Elevate Cooperative — a new national network made up of home care cooperatives pooling resources and working together — aims to change the future of home care.

Andrea Dehlendorf: Working with Private Equity to Make Jobs Better
Americans need to better understand the role of Wall Street and private equity in our economy.

Andrea Armeni: An Opportunity to Spur Deep Structural Change
Ownership Works can be a conversation starter and spur conversations about who is creating the value and who should capture it.

Joseph Cureton: Success is more than an increase in financial value
I see this as an opening, an opportunity for the idea of worker ownership to become more mainstream.

Are the Barbarians at the Gate?
Part 3: Is this real employee ownership?

Ian Mohler: A Piece of the Pie Is Better than No Slice at All
Offering equity to workers is a good thing, and we can argue later about what share of the pie is most appropriate.

Delilah Rothenberg: A step in the right direction, but only one piece of the puzzle
As long as the wealth of GPs grows exponentially faster than that of everyone else, economic inequality will continue to grow.

Are the Barbarians at the Gate?
Part 2: If equity shares increase workers’ productivity, who benefits?

Jim Bonham: Enter the Dragon?
Making modest investments to a non-profit in order to take shelter from the negative public sentiment resulting from the massive and growing wealth inequality in America is a cheap way to diffuse heat.

Ian MacFarlane: Can we call this “employee ownership”?
It seems they’re doing what big capital does: take over a concept like employee ownership and make it their own in order to make more money.

Are the Barbarians at the Gate?
Part 1: Can private equity be trusted to prioritize worker benefit?

Is Private Equity about to Co-opt Employee Ownership?
What the launch of the nonprofit Ownership Works could mean to the employee ownership movement.

It Takes an Ecosystem to Save Manufacturing Jobs
The Urban Manufacturing Alliance, in cooperation with Common Future, launches effort to transition small manufacturing plants to employee ownership.

Folience, a 100% ESOP-owned Holding Company, Eases Path to Exit
The ESOP holding company can make it easier for the founder to exit at the same time that it enables employees to take their place as owners.

States Advance Employee Ownership Legislation
Efforts to create state offices to support employee ownership transitions moving forward.

Equity Funds Needed to Further Worker-to-Owner Buyouts
Using funds from the State Small Business Credit Initiative, states could accelerate transitions.

In Brief: Employee Ownership News Updates, First Quarter 2022
Capital investments and technical support helping worker cooperatives grow.

Federal Appropriations Bill Includes Wins for Employee Ownership
The FY2022 federal budget includes support for the Main Street Employee Ownership Act and the Vermont Employee Ownership Center.

Positioning SSBCI to Benefit Employee Ownership
The Vermont Employee Ownership Center is engaging the state’s economic development agencies to ensure that the state’s SSBCI program supports employee ownership transitions.

Central States Manufacturing Gives Workers Early Access to ESOP Wealth
Company helps workers meet financial needs before they retire.

Latest Worker Co-op Survey Shows More Co-ops but Fewer Workers
Bi-annual census shows growing number of regions where worker co-ops flourishing.

Worker Co-ops Gaining Attention
New research and reports show importance of ecosystems for growing cooperative economy.

As Total Number of ESOPs Drops, Number of Participants Rising
NCEO publishes ESOP data for 2019. New ESOP formation at privately held firms remains steady.

Building a Worker-Centered Platform for Ridesharing
Cofounder of The Drivers Cooperative discusses how the co-op is creating an alternative to exploitive ridesharing models.

State Policies to Incentivize Employee Ownership
Colorado launches employee ownership tax credit Green Taxi is a platform cooperative owned by its taxi drivers operating in the Denver area. by Karen Kahn A promising model for how states can support more employee ownership conversions has just been put in place in Colorado, where Governor Jared Polis has long been a strong advocate…

Congress Makes 100% ESOPs Eligible for Sole-Source Follow-on Awards
The National Defense Authorization Act signed into law by President Biden on December 27 contains the first-ever government contracting program to specifically encourage ESOPs.

The Case for Investing in Employee Ownership
Stanford Social Innovation Review article argues for taking capital investment to scale.

Main Street Phoenix Acquires Griffin Coffee House
WeFunder campaign shows community support for transforming the restaurant industry.

Video: New Financing Could Be Game Changer for Employee Ownership
In a short video, Marjorie Kelly, senior fellow at The Democracy Collaborative, explains how the State Small Business Credit Initiative can be leveraged for employee ownership transitions.

For Business Graduate Students, Employee Ownership Is a Fabulous Career
To create demand, business schools need a new message.

Worker-Owned Home Care Co-ops Growing Despite Challenging Industry Environment
Benchmarking survey shows coops offer better jobs, resulting in less turnover.

New SSBCI Program Could Help Finance Employee Ownership Funds
The $10 billion Treasury program allows for employee ownership investments.

Empowered Ventures, an ESOP Holding Company
“It’s a win-win. The business owner is able to get market value for the firm, while preserving the firm’s legacy and rewarding its employees.”

Ownership America Launch Signals New Strategy for Expanding Employee Ownership
Policy and advocacy organization plans to build political momentum for broad-based ownership policies.

EO Equals Outreach Campaign Launched by Four Leading Employee Ownership Organizations
Goal to reach small business owners who haven’t considered the employee ownership option.

Ohio Worker Ownership Network Poised to Scale Employee Ownership Statewide
New report argues worker ownership is solution to multiple economic challenges.

Employee Ownership Still Rarely Taught in Business Schools
Academy of Management workshop shows some faculty are finding creative ways to fill the gap.

Guidelines for Equitable Employee Ownership Transitions
Employee buyouts can be opaque to newcomers. [The Guidelines] help guide investors, asset managers, and professional advisors in structuring deals that maximize positive impact for employees.

Five Co-Ops Honored for Expanding Equity in Challenging Times
Capital Impact Partners announces winners of seventh annual Co-op Innovation Awards.

Employee Ownership Catalyst Fund Preserves Local Businesses and Jobs
Project Equity and Mission-Driven Finance collaboration offers flexible capital to businesses transitioning to employee ownership.

Economic Engagement Key to a Successful ESOP
Firms with high levels of employee participation show double the profits of peers.

UK Sees Significant Growth in Employee-Owned Businesses
Ownership Hub is a collaborative initiative to scale employee ownership across the UK

Employee Ownership Centers Launch in DC and Missouri
DC embraces equity and community wealth building; Missouri receives support from SRC Holdings/Great Game of Business.

Reflections on Barriers to Growing Employee Ownership
Marjorie Kelly, co-founder of Fifty by Fifty and a leading authority on the democratic economy, talks with Bret Keisling, host of The ESOP Podcast.

Senators Introduce Employee Ownership Legislation
A brief overview of legislative proposals to lift some of the barriers to growing employee ownership

Apis & Heritage Legacy Fund Targets Racial Wealth Gap
Announcing its first close at $30 million, the fund plans to acquire about 8 firms with majority workforces of color to transition to employee ownership.

Dick May and Chris Mackin: A $100 billion loan guarantee program for employee ownership would be transformational
A federal loan guarantee program of $100 billion per year would permit policymakers to grasp how employee ownership could truly address the problem of economic inequality on a national level.

International Employee Ownership Organizations Endorse Corporate Responsibility
Growing momentum to put social purpose at the center of employee ownership firms.

Workers at Cooperatives Report High Job Satisfaction and Community Engagement
Dataset from first national survey of co-op workers publicly available through Democracy at Work Institute.

Bruce Dobb & Tomás Durán: Overcoming the “Equity Injection” Obstacle to Employee Ownership
The reauthorization of the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) could offer a timely answer to the down payment dilemma.

SSBCI Technical Assistance Funds Could Support Outreach & Education
State Centers for Employee Ownership could ramp up their education and outreach to business owners, business service providers, and state leaders with SSBCI technical assistance funds.

The State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI): An Opportunity to Grow Employee Ownership?
Could SSBCI 2.0 provide the capital to begin to significantly redistribute business ownership?

Melissa Hoover: SSBCI Financing Sets Stage to Grow Employee Ownership Conversions
As a field we will need to work hard to build the pathways for capital and technical assistance within the SSBCI program.

Minnesota Center for Employee Ownership Receives $50,000 Grant
New data shows Minnesotans over 55 own 52,000 local businesses.

Evergreen Cooperatives Acquires First Manufacturing Firm, Intellitronix
Acquisition extends Evergreen network and adds 35 good-paying jobs.

New York City Requests Information on Shared Equity
City seeks ideas on shared ownership of businesses, housing, and land As it looks to spur economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic, New York City is searching for solutions that will address long-term economic disparities. The Brooklyn Reader reports, the City has put out a Request for Information on the Issue of Shared…

Canadian Government to Explore Employee Ownership Trust Options
Federal legislation could broaden access to employee ownership.

Start.Coop seeks to accelerate the cooperative economy
Equitable Economy Fund will provide early-stage equity.

Advancing Race and Gender Equity by Expanding Employee Ownership
Aspen Institute releases issue brief that details policy and practice interventions.

Evergreen Cooperatives Adapt and Grow
A 10-year review shows the Cleveland Model has delivered for workers.

New Employee Ownership Trusts Demonstrate Viability in U.S.
Employee Ownership Trusts are simpler to set up and easier to manage than ESOPs.

Scaling up employee ownership is key to an equitable recovery
Fast Company commentary focuses on how government can support private investment.

Certified EO Launches New Directory of Employee-Owned Businesses
Beta release offers opportunity for users to weigh in.

KKR Partner Pete Stavros to Set Up Center to Promote Employee Ownership
After piloting share-ownership in KKR’s manufacturing portfolio, Stavros ready to expand the model.

Rutgers Online Library Dedicated to Employee Ownership
Teaching faculty, researchers and the public can access the Curriculum Library for Employee Ownership (CLEO).

With First-Ever Pension Fund Investment in an ESOP, Taylor Guitars Becomes Employee Owned
Taylor Guitars converts to 100 percent employee ownership with unique finance partner

Employee Ownership Key to NYC Recovery Strategy
After nearly a year of living with the pandemic, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Employee Ownership NYC, the nation’s largest municipal investment in transitioning businesses to employee ownership.

Employee Ownership Scholars Share Findings at Virtual Meeting
At Kelso meeting, scholars share the impact of the pandemic on ESOPs and worker cooperatives.

Canada looks to social enterprises, including cooperatives, to build a better future
Researchers examine what is needed for successful business to cooperative conversions.

Opportunity Knocking
Impact capital could become the lever used to redirect wealth into the hands of working Americans.

Social Capital Partners Turns to ESOPs to Address Wealth Inequality
Filling the finance gap to accelerate employee ownership

Biden Transition Team Considers Local Economy Preservation Funds to Build Back Better
Local holding companies could help save small businesses and create a more equitable economy.

EOX expands network of state employee ownership centers
COVID-19 has accelerated need for succession planning and ensuring business owners know employee ownership is on the menu.

In Brief: Employee Ownership News Updates, October 2020
Books, films, conference updates and more

Employee-owned Firms More Likely to Retain Employees during Pandemic
Employee Ownership Foundation releases survey data comparing pandemic response among ESOP and non-ESOP firms.

Business Legacy Fund to Finance Employee Ownership Conversions
Co-op Cincy looks to sustain businesses and jobs in Southwest Ohio.

ASBC Recommends “Creating an Economic System that Works for All”
New report calls for broadening employee ownership, among other recommendations.

The ESOP Association Announces New Digs on Capitol Hill
The International Center for Employee Ownership will provide a base for more effective education and advocacy.

The Main Street Phoenix Rising
A COVID-19 recovery strategy that puts workers first.

The B Corp Movement Drives Better Business
Dr. Chris Marquis discusses stakeholder-driven business, employee ownership, and the future of capitalism.

Equitable Employee Ownership Transitions Require Investor Guardrails
New publication outlines best practices for investors, asset managers and others Harpoon Brewery became employee owned in 2014. by Karen Kahn The novel coronavirus has permanently shuttered tens of thousands of businesses, leaving millions of employees jobless in a perilous economy. The pandemic has had a particularly devasting impact on Black- and Latinx-owned businesses, with…

In Brief: Employee Ownership News Updates, August 2020
Marjorie Kelly argues for bold action in response to the small business crisis in The Hill.

Employee Ownership on the Rise in United Kingdom
100 firms became employee owned in the last year, an increase of 28 percent.

Can Employees Be Protected in an ESOP Bankruptcy?
Debating the risks and rewards of ESOP participation.

Obran: A Cooperative Conglomerate
Using business and finance tools to build community wealth

Embrace Social Purpose, Says British Employee Ownership Expert Graeme Nuttall
Nuttal delivered this year’s annual Ghandi Foundation lecture.

Race, Equity and the Transformative Power of Employee Ownership
A conversation with Todd Leverette, program manager for Legacy Business Initiatives at the Democracy at Work Institute

Innovative Strategies for Worker-to-Owner Business Conversions
New paper examines how the tools of finance can advance employee ownership.

In Brief: Employee Ownership News Updates, July 2020
Coop Innovation Awards, new sponsors for Congressional legislation, and more

Can Employee Ownership Rescue the Economy?
Robust employee ownership discussions emerging in response to COVID-19.

Formerly Incarcerated Women Launch Chicago Worker Cooperative
ChiFresh Kitchen prepares meals to help address food insecurity during the pandemic.

CERO: Closing the Food Loop
African American and Latinx worker coop collects and processes food waste, which it then delivers to local urban farms.

Could COVID-19 help to scale employee ownership?
Employee-purchasers are well-positioned to buy firms out of bankruptcy.

California Employee Ownership Alliance Proposes $10M Recovery Package
The WORC Coalition urges Californians to contact their legislators before the June 15 budget vote.

Employee Ownership Key to Survival of America’s Oldest Hat Company
Bollman Hat Company turns to mask making to bring its factory back to life.

Save Local Businesses, Scale Employee Ownership
Local Economy Preservation Funds offer solution to the small business crisis.

It’s Time to Reconsider Bankruptcy Protections for ESOP Participants
Employee owners at ESOPs shouldn’t lose their retirement savings.

Building the Future with Employee Ownership
Tim Rettig, CEO of InTrust IT, has plans to grow employee ownership sector.

Employee-owned NewAge Industries Meets the COVID-19 Challenge
An employee-ownership culture drives high-performance in a critical industry

How employee-owned firms are managing the COVID-19 Crisis
Five lessons on how to keep your firm strong and nimble.

Center Employee Ownership in Pandemic Economic Response
Employee ownership transitions could speed economic recovery, says The ICA Group

Means TV: First Cooperative Streaming Service
A lefty media platform with a growing audience

Prospera Launches Latina Entrepreneur Resiliency Fund
Latina cooperators helping each other to survive the economic shutdown.

Cooperatives Cooperate to Protect Home Health Aides with Masks
Carolina Textile District ramps up PPE production.

COVID-19 Stimulus Package Includes Relief for Cooperatives and Nonprofits
Apply now for disaster relief.

In Brief: Employee Ownership News Updates
Maine passes legislation, Txemi Cantera Award honors Great Game, and foundations show interest in supporting employee ownership

Evergreen’s Fund for Employee Ownership Acquires Berry Insulation
After sale to employees, business founder will stay on to ensure success of future cooperative.

Access to SBA Loans Could Help Employees Buy Their Companies
Employee ownership deals hindered by SBA rule that puts seller debt on standby by Bruce Dobb The largest source of financing for the sale of small, low-margin businesses that drive local economies are bank loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA). However, these loans don’t work very well for workers who want to buy their…

Accelerate Employee Ownership Initiative Addresses Capital Bottleneck
Project Equity and Shared Capital Cooperative partnership brings financing and technical support to employee ownership transitions

Home Care Cooperatives Gaining Ground in the Northwest
Northwest Cooperative Development Center hopes to transform an industry.

Worker Co-ops Show Significant Growth in Latest Survey Data
New report from Democracy at Work Institute and U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives gives rich picture of state of sector.

House of Representatives Small Business Committee Convenes Employee Ownership Hearing
Witnesses addressed financing challenges and solutions.

Out of the ClickHole, a light on alternative media ownership models
Employee ownership offers potential alternative to media companies seeking to retain journalistic integrity .

Investor guidelines for shared value creation in employee ownership transitions unveiled
Fifty by Fifty presents guidelines at Rutgers Kelso fellows mid-year workshop by Karen Kahn In mid-January, the Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing held its mid-year Kelso fellows meeting, in which scholars and practitioners spent two days sharing research and ideas to deepen understanding of the many forms of employee…

Center for American Progress proposes new policies to broaden ownership
Proposals to scale employee ownership and profit-sharing aimed at state and municipal governments.

Mendoza Business Magazine explores relationship between Catholic social values and employee ownership
Medoza alum Jessica Rose featured in business mag story exploring the benefits of employee ownership–and the barriers to going to scale.

John McNamara Responds: New Belgium Brewery Goes Flat
I’ve been wondering when the craft beer market would begin consolidating. A few years ago, shockwaves went through the Cascadia craft beer community when 10 Barrels sold to Anheuser-Busch Inv Bev and worse, Full Sail sold to an investment company. Around the same time, another ESOP brewery in Oregon sold as well; it was notable…

Hazel Corcoran: What If We Had an Antidote to Worker Co-ops Selling Out?
Indivisble reserves are one way for worker cooperatives to prevent demutualization.

Brightly Cleaning: Lessons from the First U.S. Worker Cooperative Franchise
The worker cooperative franchise provides a model to go to scale.

Ownership design for a sustainable economy
In this final report on our research into the relationship between employee ownership and sustainability, we detail our methodology, our findings, and questions for further research.

Christopher Mackin: New Belgium Brewing and the Future of American ESOPs
There is movement afoot in the ESOP marketplace to create scaled capital institutions that can drive the conversion of privately held businesses into employee owned companies and compete with conventional financing sources.

Priming the Pump for Employee Ownership
A proposal to scale employee ownership by launching $100 billion in federal loan guarantees could transform the economy.

Encouraging Inclusive Growth
Richard May and Christopher Mackin discuss their proposal for a $100 billion employee equity loan program.

Michael Palmieri and Chris Cooper Respond: What Are We Asking of Employee Ownership?
How one interprets the sale of New Belgium depends on how one answers the ends vs. means question.

Camille Kerr Responds: Don’t lose sight—the point is systems change
What should we be doing today to lay the foundation for future generations to have a democratic, equitable economic system?

Karen Kahn: Is Your Beer Funding Human Rights Abuses?
Kirin, it appears, has blood on its hands. Whether New Belgium can bring its ethical and moral leadership to bear on its new corporate parent remains to be seen.

Christopher Michael: Could the Employee Ownership Trust Better Sustain Perpetual Employee Ownership?
The next step in broadening access to this simpler, less expensive, and perpetual form of employee ownership is public policy.

Last call: A forum on the end of employee ownership at New Belgium
What does it say about the viability of market-based strategies that even the most integral moral commitment to worker equity ultimately could not stand up to economic and market pressures?

Nathan Schneider: Discarded Mutualisms
We should resist the temptation to mistake what is for what could or should be.

Erbin Crowell and Sonja Novkovic: ESOPs or Co-ops? Depends on the Long-Term Goal
While both co-ops and ESOPs are often included under the umbrella of “employee ownership,” this term has been largely appropriated by conventional economic thought that places the right to dispose of property at the center of ownership rights.

Melissa Hoover: Employee Ownership Often Helps to Shape and Build Hot New Markets—Then What?
Can lessons from New Belgium help us think differently about employee ownership in high-growth sectors?

Martin Staubus: New Belgium—A Success by Any Measure
Rumors of the death of employee ownership are greatly exaggerated.

Jason Wiener: Let’s Not Let the Ideal Be the Enemy of the Pretty-Darn-Great
We ought to celebrate instances of employee self-determination, including the right of employees to cash out and move on.

Jared Kaplan: The Sustainable Legacy of New Belgium Brewing
Sustainability isn’t the same as immortality, and it certainly doesn’t mean stagnation.

Jennifer Briggs: New Belgium Was More than an ESOP
An ESOP in and of itself doesn’t create a company like New Belgium—it takes culture, too.

Matt Cropp: What is Expected of Employee Ownership?
Employee ownership was core to New Belgium’s identity, and their story offered an alternative model to many concerned by the corporate consolidation of the craft beer sector over the past few years.

Michael Keeling: ESOP Terminations—Red Flag?
As employee ownership advocates, we need to address why so many ESOP companies walk away from broad-based ownership.

Daniel Fireside: How Beeswax and Rope Can Save Your Company’s Soul
It turns out that there are plenty of investors and lenders happy to take a supporting role knowing that we’ve prevented ourselves from selling our company, and our mission, to the highest bidder.

Bret Keisling: New Belgium—A great story to tell
We should aspire for ESOP permanence, but not regard it as a failure when a great ESOP successfully transitions to a different structure.

Dave Hammer: Employee Ownership Must Become a Movement for Social Change
Employee ownership must become more than a community of practice, we must marshal our resources and become a movement for positive social change.

Joseph Blasi: New Belgium—A Victim of Its Own Success
Employee ownership expert and author of “The Citizen’s Share” on the sale of New Belgium.

Corey Rosen: ESOP companies face the same pressures and opportunities all companies do
While it would be nice for the ESOP community to retain its great companies permanently, that is not a realistic goal unless employee owners are willing to forego potentially significant economic returns or market opportunities.

Berkeley Revises Loan Requirements to Help Finance Employee Ownership
It will be easier for worker co-ops to acquire loans under the new policy of limited guarantees.

Can a Private Equity Fund Model Help Scale Employee Ownership?
Proposed model could provide a vehicle for investors to finance worker-centric employee ownership conversions.

Employee-Owned Firms Should be Eligible for Minority Certification
Some simple requirements could ensure that employee-owned firms seeking certification are controlled by people of color.

Millennials at Employee-Owned Firms More Ready for Retirement
New ESCA survey data shows ESOP employees are more financially secure.

A Promising Path to Growing the Employee Owned Economy: Acquisitions by Existing ESOPs
ESOPs are far more successful in acquiring and integrating new businesses than traditional firms, according to new research.

Employee Ownership as a Business Retention Strategy
For cities, employee ownership offers opportunity to retain local businesses.

B Corp Champions Retreat Highlighted Employee Ownership
Fifty by Fifty joined mission-led employee-owned companies to shine spotlight on benefits of employee ownership.

For Co-op Conversions, It’s All in the Timing
To grow employee ownership, impact investors, foundations, and other agencies must consider business lifecycle.

Cooperative Industry Requests Congressional Hearing on SBA Loans
Small Business Administration report offers no alternatives to the personal guarantee.

The North Carolina Employee Ownership Center Launches
New resource to help baby boomer-owned businesses
with succession planning.

Fifty by Fifty Goal: 50 Million Employee Owners? Or 50 Million Empowered Employee Owners?
Is it enough to have millions of employee owners with tiny shares of publicly traded companies?

Illinois 14th State to Legally Recognize Worker Cooperatives
New statute will make it easier to launch and grow worker cooperatives.

Employee Ownership Rarely Integrated into MBA Programs
Employee ownership makes stakeholder capitalism real,
says Marjorie Kelly in the Boston Globe.

Models for Taking Cooperatives to Scale
A typology of cooperative networks and associations can help cooperatives think about how to scale and maintain their values.

Kendeda Fund Announces Plan to Invest over $24 Million in Expanding Employee Ownership
Grants will catalyze at least 100 employee ownership conversions over five years.

Big Business Rethinks Shareholder Primacy
Business Roundtable statement kicks off robust debate on purpose of the corporation.

The Role of Employee Ownership in an Economy that Works for All
Marjorie Kelly and Ted Howard highlight movement for a democratic economy.

Government Contracting Preferences Pose Barrier to Scaling Employee Ownership
An ESOP trust doesn’t qualify as a minority-owned business.

Role of Capital in Taking Employee Ownership to Scale
At the Beyster Symposium, Fifty by Fifty panel explored a new financing model to scale employee ownership.

Can Worker Cooperatives Transform the Commercial Laundry Business?
Evergreen Cooperatives plans expansion of its laundry co-op model to New Haven and other cities.

To Grow Employee Ownership Pennsylvania Center Is Building Awareness
PA Center for Employee Ownership models strategy for states to expand employee-owned companies.

Two Publishers Illustrate Why Ownership Matters
Financial ownership vs. inclusive multistakeholder ownership leads to different outcomes for Jossey-Bass and Berrett-Koehler

Mass relaunches office to grow employee ownership
Concerns over business closures reignite interest in employee ownership among Massachusetts lawmakers

Three Quarters of Americans Prefer to Work for an Employee-Owned Company
Widespread consensus on employee ownership revealed by national survey question.

Berkeley, CA: Early Investor in Employee Ownership Conversions
City’s partnership with Project Equity aims to address wave of business closures.

A National Strategy to Grow Home Care Cooperatives?
Participants at the USDA Interagency Working Group meeting see role for government leadership.

Mission-led Employee-Owned Enterprises Share Learnings in First-Ever Convening
Firms united in desire to spread transformative enterprise design model.

Co-op Innovation Awards Announced
Awards go to groups using cooperatives to empower workers and support immigrant rights.

Ownership Design: Why does it matter?
At Fifty by Fifty we’ve been exploring ownership design. Our research has led us to conclude that enterprise design is an important lever of change, the key to building an economy that is both sustainable and equitable.

Employee Ownership Builds Assets for Low- and Moderate-Income Workers and their Families
New report show how ESOPs can close wealth gap.

SBDC Working Group Pilots Employee Ownership Training
Preparing Business Advisors to Carry Out New Mandate.

Consum Cooperativa: Feeding 3 Mil in the Spanish Mediterranean
A worker and consumer cooperative powered by renewables.

Mission-led Employee-owned Firms: The best of the best
Fifty by Fifty releases report identifying new ownership design.

Eastern Kentucky Launches Employee Ownership Training
Retiring business owners target for employee ownership conversions.

Worker Ownership Proposal Garners Widespread Support in National Poll
New report proposes giving workers the “right of first refusal.”

Mission-led employee-owned firms: The best of the best
Mission-led employee-owned firms embody a powerful model of enterprise design for a new era of environmental sustainability and social equity.

Employee Ownership Drives Success at Newport Restaurant Group
Employee ownership deepens engagement, builds community.

Colorado Leads States in Preparing to Scale Employee Ownership
New executive office on employee ownership poised to become model for other states.

Employee Ownership Education Beginning in Response to New SBA Mandate
Small Business Administration, DC Metro, holding five trainings for business owners by Karen Kahn In late February, the Washington Metro Area District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration held its first seminar for business owners interested in employee ownership as a potential exit strategy. The plan is to hold one a month in each of the…

Common Myths about Employee Ownership
Scaling employee ownership requires dispelling common misunderstandings by Bruce Dobb A number of factors inhibit the growth of employee ownership, among them, common misconceptions among small business owners. The three most common myths we encounter at Concerned Capital when discussing employee ownership with small business clients preparing to sell are: Employee ownership means an ESOP.All employees must…

Northwest Cooperative Development Center Launches Legacy Project
USDA grants fund employee ownership education workshops targeting business advisors.

How Ownership Structure Shapes Purpose and Impact
Eileen Fisher vs. Donna Karan International

Craft Beer: 100% Employee-Owned, Organic, and Powered by Renewables
Cerveses Lluna Bio Beer leads organic beer production in Spain.

Chicago Turns to Cooperatives to Improve Opportunity
New Coalition Aims to Raise Awareness and Build Capacity by Karen Kahn Hoda Katebi, an Iranian-American fashion designer, known for her fashion blog JooJoo Azad, has turned her sights to helping immigrant and refugee women by starting a clothing production cooperative in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago. Blue Tin Production Co-op, says Katebi, will create jobs for…

Employee-Owned Heritage Aviation Becomes Vermont Benefit Corporation
New Corporate Status Could Protect Company from Outside Buyers by Karen Kahn Heritage Aviation Campus “Making business decisions that give weight to both profit and social impact has made us a more successful company because it has made us a more meaningful organization to our customers, vendors, employees and community,” says Dave Stiller, CEO of Heritage…

New Strategies to Grow Employee Ownership
Cities are embracing employee ownership (EO) as an economic development strategy that delivers both growth and equity. To further explore how, why and where, Employee Ownership News has started a new series focused on urban ecosystems. Take a look at our first two stories to see how: · Durham, NC, is seeking to maintain the legacy of African-American…

TDIndustries: Servant Leaders and Employee Ownership
An Organizational Culture that Drives Success by John Case This story was originally published at Employee-Owned America, February 1, 2019, and is reposted here with permission. What’s interesting about TDIndustries, a big mechanical construction and facilities-services firm, isn’t just its business results, though heaven knows those results are impressive enough. Founded 73 years ago in Dallas, TD…